Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Time Set In Current Day.
Welcome to the Great and Guilty Life Of Matthew Fernando, where I spill out all my problems and all my victories. I'm glad you could join me for this ride. Now lets get right into it.

Now I've been in school for about a month now, and my grades are looking good, I just need to get some homework I didn't turn in turned in so I can have all A's. Now again who cares about my academic progress, let us get into the juicy stuff. I don't really have an interest in anyone as of right now, because i haven't talked to anyone. So the last couple of the weeks have been kind of hard. I haven't really had any real friends but I guess I've got a friend group but I'm pretty disappointed. If Jacob Davalos is the best I can manage I'm kind of disappointed. I need to find a friend group fast. Hopefully people can rep for me. This is my harsh reality in high school. This will be a weird freshman year ahead of us. 

So on the night of September 16, I made the biggest realization of my life. I realize that I don't exactly need a lot of school friends, I found my family. Bunch O' Boys is my family. I realize that these people are functioning as a family and we don't actually see each other in real life. But I feel a more connection to these people than anyone in real life. I think I CAN get through high school. The internet is the best thing ever created. Now all thats rest to do is... Well me. I am the answer, it's all up to me. I finally have people to fight for. Bunch O' Boys. I like the ring of it. 

I think that if I focus my mind into everyone I need to do. I truly believe I have the most potential out of anyone on this planet. I can achieve my final goal. "Prove everyone wrong." I can do it, the Guru said I could. 

This is Chapter 1. Thank you for reading, I will update you on my journey. 

Signing off, 
                   Matthew William Fernando (14 years old)


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